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Introduction to the Business Language

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This article revolves around a sub-discipline within the framework of Applied Linguistics – Language for specific purposes (LSP) (the Language of Business), a complex, interdisciplinary field for researching the use of Language in Business, in Business context and in verbal communication in Business field.

This article tackles also definitions of some key concepts, and showcases the characteristics of the Business Language.

The article begins with the presentation of the most important definitions which are: Definition of applied linguistics, which is the general framework of research the definition of the language that is the focus of this research also the sectorial / special language and finally the definition of the Business Language which is the subject of the research by excellence.

In Brief, This research investigates the field of Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) in Applied Linguistics as a whole and in Business Language in specific.


Key Words: Applied Linguistics – Business – Business Language – Language for Specific Purposes (LSP).


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