------المجلد الرابع------— 1- المؤتمر الدولي حول الآخر الدّينيّ في الفكر الإسلاميّ بين النّصّ والتّاريخ والواقع

الآخر الديني في الفكر الإسلامي بين النص والتاريخ والواقع – السودان نموذجاً.

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تمثل قضية الآخر الديني في المجتمع الإسلامي معضلة مستمرة عبر العصور وتقوم شاهدا  على عجز النخب الدينية والثقافية عن تجاوز مشكلة تنميط الاخر وفق أطر وأفكارمسبقةمستمدة من تصورات تعوزها الدقة وتفترض أن الآخرهو الخطأ المحض فتنسب إليهكل أسباب القصور والعجز والبلاء ولم يجني المجتمع من هذا التنميط الفكريإلا الوبال والخسرانمما أضاف إلى الواقع  المأزوم مزيدا من الانقسام والتشظي وتكريسا للفرقة والشتات بين أفراد المجتمع الواحد.

أقومفيهذهالورقةبتسليطالضوءعلىمفهومالاخرالدينيوأثرهعلىالمجتمعاتالمدنية وتوضيحالآثارالتيتترتبعلىهذاالتنميطالفكريالذييفضيبالضرورةإليهدمبنيةالمجتمعوإهدارقيمالتسامحوالتعايشالسلمي وسوف أستعرض في هذه الورقة دراسة النظرة السالبة الى الاخر الديني وما يمكن ان ينتج عنها  من آثار سالبة علي البلدان التي تعاني من هذه الحالة ومن بينها السودان الذي دفع ثمناً غاليا من ترابه جراء سيطرة هذا المفهوم السالب على العقل الجمعي لأفراد المجتمع فهل يمكن ان يعيد التاريخ نفسه؟.


The Religious Other in Islamic Thought between Text, History and Reality – Sudan as a Model.

The issue of the religious other in Islamic society represents a persistent dilemma throughout the ages, and it is a testimony to the inability of the religious and cultural elites to transcend the dilemma of stereotyping the other according to preconceived frameworks and ideas derived from inaccurate perceptions and assuming that the other is the sheer mistake. Intellectual profiling, except for disaster and loss, which added to the crisis reality more division and fragmentation and the consolidation of division and diaspora among the members of the same society.

The issue of the religious other remained an obsession haunting the imagination of moderate thinkers from the people of knowledge and knowledge due to their inability to reconcile the parties to this ideological contradiction, which in most of its forms revolves around the existence of an intellectual dispute that divides society into groups, groups and sects. Belief represents the most influential actor in reproducing religious and factional divisions that are strengthened by other elements, such as reliance on the ethnic, regional or linguistic factor, which are commonalities that have contributed greatly to fueling differences between members of the same society. at all times.

The Islamic societies were not the only ones that were plagued by the heresy of division based on belonging to a religion or belief. They were preceded in this bitter experience by Western societies that were divided since their inception into sectarian sects and sects that developed with time to what we witness today of the division of Christians between Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants.

As for Islamic history in particular, this divisive thought has caused a rift in the structure of society, its manifestations being the use of religion to achieve political goals based on the use of Machiavellian methods to achieve goals and objectives that have nothing to do with religion in most cases. This intellectual corruption has resulted in sectarian conflicts and societal turmoil, deepening hatred and increasing the causes of disunity and division.

In this paper, I shed light on the concept of the religious other and its impact on some Muslim societies, and clarify the effects of this intellectual stereotyping, which necessarily leads to the destruction of the structure of society and the wasting of the values ​​of tolerance and peaceful coexistence

This study aims to drop the concept of the religious other on the reality of contemporary Sudan, where this concept has dominated aspects of religious and political life in the past decades and the negative practices that grew up under this concept, which ended in the country to wrong practices whose catastrophic effects still exist today, and we will review those effects as evidence of The error and misstatement of this concept in the following axes

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